Hillary Clinton Wins Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut Primaries; Sanders Takes Rhode Island

After a strong showing in tonight’s primaries, Hillary Clinton seems well on her way to wrapping up the Democratic nomination for president.
Shortly after the closing of polls on the East coast tonight, NBC News called Maryland and Delaware from the ex-senator from New York. Just before 9 p.m., CNN called Pennsylvania for Clinton, as did the AP. ABC and the AP called Rhode Island for Bernie Sanders soon after that, but Clinton ultimately will take home Connecticut, which figures to be the night’s closest race.
Here is the estimated delegate count after tonight’s races, via the New York Times. Including superdelegates, Clinton is somewhere around 200 delegates away from hitting the threshold necessary to secure the nomination:

Earlier today, Sanders campaign senior strategist Ted Devine admitted that his candidate may be forced to “reassess” his campaign depending on tonight’s results.