Here's Every Bernie Sanders Meme Come to Life

Have you ever wondered what all the dankest memes from your Facebook feed would look like in human form? Then man, do I have just the protest for you. Welcome to the first of several pro-Bernie Sanders rallies at the DNC. It’s the internet come to life and it smells like Dr. Bronner’s.
The Bernie bros—male and female alike—seem invigorated by Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s recent decision to step down. After all, they’re now the official hapless victims of a conspiracy they always knew to be true, and one of the main players is getting her just deserts. Now, it’s Hillary’s turn.
Nearly ever single Bernie supporter I spoke to today was adamant that they would not be voting for Hillary in the election. Some said they wouldn’t vote at all, though most were in the bag for Jill Stein. Only one attendee conceded that, while he wasn’t yet sure what he’d do come November, it “would certainly make the most logical sense to vote for Clinton,” citing the fact that Bernie had at least pushed the Democrats’ platform further left.
For the most part, though, the protestors I spoke to had a hard time drawing a line between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. To them, one was just as unseemly and depraved as the other. And they’ve got the memes to prove it.

Video edited by Nicholas Stango