Donald Trump's Butler: Obama "needs to be hung for treason!!!"

According to a recent Facebook post by Anthony Senecal, close friend and butler of Donald Trump, Obama is a “prick” who “needs to be hung [sic].”
David Corn, at Mother Jone noticed the post, along with a litany of other extremely angry, poorly typed rants about Obama:

In another post from May of last year, Senecal wrote that Obama should be dragged “from the white mosque and [hanged] from the portico. Other posts refer to Obama as a “rotten filthy muzzie” and “ruddy bastard.”
Senecal was the subject of a recent profile in the New York Times, which made clear just how much his employer values his presence:
Mr. Senecal tried to retire in 2009, but Mr. Trump decided he was irreplaceable, so while Mr. Senecal was relieved of his butler duties, he has been kept around as a kind of unofficial historian at Mar-a-Lago. “Tony, to retire is to expire,” Mr. Trump told him. “I’ll see you next season.”
Senecal confirmed the authenticity of these screenshots to Corn.
Update: A spokesperson from the United States Secret Service told me the following: “The U.S. Secret Service is aware of this matter and will conduct the appropriate investigation.”