Benny Johnson at BuzzFeed reports that Newark Mayor and U.S. Senate hopeful Cory Booker exchanged private direct messages on Twitter with a Portland stripper named Lynsie Lee last February. “The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast I mean me,” Booker wrote in one. Lee and Booker both appeared in a movie about Twitter called Follow Friday, which appears to be why they started tweeting at each in the first place.

Cute! And newsworthy, certainly, for the fact that Cory Booker seemed to be expressing—pantomiming?—some kind of flirtatious interest in Lee. Who Cory Booker is dating, or not dating, has been an open question throughout his mayoralty and into his Senate run.

The DMs appear to have been sent in the early morning hours of a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in late February 2013: an indication, perhaps, of Booker’s Twitter addiction. Indeed, according to BuzzFeed, Lee tweeted a screenshot of their exchange only after another woman, Calla Bonanno, claimed that she and Booker also regularly exchanged private messages over Twitter.

No word from Booker’s relentless Twitter feed yet. Lee, however, is basking in this fleeting moment of fame:

The incriminating screenshot, via BuzzFeed, is below:

Update: While Lee dances at a vegan strip club, she is not herself vegan:

[Photo via Twitter]