At Least 14 Dead in San Bernardino Mass Shooting [UPDATING]

The San Bernardino county sheriff has confirmed the presence of an active shooter near the 1300 block of S. Waterman in San Bernardino, CA. At least 12 people are dead, with another 20 reportedly injured.
The city’s Fire Department says on Twitter that they’ve received reports indicating as many as 20 people were shot. A SWAT team appears to be on the scene and emergency crews are reportedly setting up a triage center near the city’s convention center and other patients appear to be receiving treatment on a local golf course.
.@SanBernardinoPD SWAT on scene
— Doug Saunders (@crimeshutterbug) December 2, 2015
At least 12 people are confirmed dead and Los Angeles’ FOX 11 reports cops are currently searching for “3 white males dressed in military gear.”
Witnesses say the men had masks on and may have been wearing body armor, ABC reports. They were armed with rifles and “came into the office and started shooting,” sometime around 2 p.m. Eastern Time.
The shooting apparently began at the Inland Regional Center, a nonprofit organization that works with people with developmental disabilities. There are reportedly 21 independently operated Regional Centers scattered throughout the state serving the developmentally disabled—many of them underage—and their families.
The ICF Holiday Party is in full swing! ☃
— Inland RC (@InlandRegional) December 1, 2015
An employee at a different center says the San Bernardino office featured an “open design like the DMV.”
One man, Terry Petit, tells NBC he received a text from his daughter—who has since been confirmed safe—asking him to pray for her.
“People shot. In the office waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in an office,” the text reportedly read.
It is still an active scene and San Bernardino police have reportedly asked news outlets not to show the building (pictured below) until the investigation has concluded.

Update 3:05 p.m.
The FBI, ATF, Fire Department and Sheriff’s department are all on the scene. Witnesses say firefighters are using pickup trucks to evacuate victims. An NBC cameraman on the scene reports seeing at least six injured victims loaded in the back of one truck because “there wasn’t enough time” to wait for ambulances.
Update 3:15 p.m.
President Obama has been briefed on the shooting, NBC reports.
Update 3:22 p.m.
Police may be closing in on one of the shooters, according to a Los Angeles Times reporter.
Calif mass shooting: Poice assembling battery ram to tear through building, believing 1 suspect may still be holed up inside.
— Rick Serrano (@RickSerranoLAT) December 2, 2015
Calif mass shooting: Police not dropping "active shooter" warning -- signal they do not have the suspects yet
— Rick Serrano (@RickSerranoLAT) December 2, 2015
Update 3:40 p.m.
Police appear to be asking news outlets to stop filming over the scene, citing its “active” nature and the FAA has issued a temporary flight restriction over the area.
Update 3:47 p.m.
According to a report from the LA Times, federal officials are searching for a black SUV that “fled the scene” of the shooting.
Update 4:02 p.m.
One Los Angeles Times reporter provides more details on the shooting.
Calif mass shooting: Authorities told shooter(s) burst into meeting firing "apparent semi-automatic" long rifles
— Rick Serrano (@RickSerranoLAT) December 2, 2015
Update 4:14 p.m.
San Bernardino police confirm the Regional Center was hosting some sort of event today when “multiple shooters came in and just started shooting.” They were reportedly dressed in “military style” attire.
#SanBernardino shooter(s) opened fire at a meeting or party wearing camo & masks; police hunting for black Yukon SUV, says @RickSerranoLAT
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 2, 2015
Update 4:25 p.m.
NBC is reporting a developing SWAT situation nearby in Pasadena that’s believed to be related to the shooting. [UPDATE 4:30 p.m.—NBC now says the Pasadena situation is not related to San Bernardino.]
Update 4:30 p.m.
According to ABC, the gunman or gunmen opened fire on some sort of county banquet that was being held in a rented conference room in the building.
Banquet was held for county personnel where #SanBernardino gunman opened fire, SBPD says
— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) December 2, 2015
Update 5:00 p.m.
In a press conference, San Bernardino authorities are now saying at least 14 people are dead and an additional 14 injured. The gunmen, who were armed with “long guns not handguns” reportedly fled the scene in a black SUV and are still at large.
“[The shooters] came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said.
Update 5:40 p.m.
President Obama was apparently already sitting down for an interview with CBS when he was briefed on the shooting. He provided the network with this brief statement:
The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world, and there’s some steps we could take, not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently, common-sense gun safety laws, stronger background checks and, you know, for those who are concerned about terrorism of, you know, some may be aware of the fact that we have a no-fly list where people can’t get on planes but those same people who we don’t allow to fly could go into a store right now in the United States and buy a firearm and there’s nothing that we can do to stop them.
Update 6:15 p.m.
According to reports, San Bernardino cops are currently chasing a suspect who has reportedly “fired shots out the back window.” Per NBC, at least one suspect was hit by gunfire.

Update 6:25 p.m.
The standoff between police and the suspect or suspects in the black SUV continues after a shootout. NBC says “one to two suspects might be down,” with a third potentially still at large.

Wow. Shot up suspects vehicle. #SanBernadino
— adam (@hashtagsutton) December 2, 2015
Update 6:45 p.m.
According to the LA Times, the shooting may have been a workplace dispute: It apparently when after a man “angrily” left a meeting that was being held inside a rented conference room at the Inland Regional Center and returned, armed, with two other people.
Federal official says they believe a man angrily left a meeting, returned w/ “one or two” others, started shooting, reports @RickSerranoLAT
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 2, 2015
A relative of a witness tells the LA Times, “Everyone dropped to the floor. It was during a holiday party,” 27-year-old Denise Peraza told relatives. “The guys opened fired for 30 seconds, randomly, then paused to reload and began firing again.”
Update 6:55 p.m.
WJZ Baltimore reports all three suspects have been reported “caught or down” but NBC Los Angeles says a third suspect seen “running through the neighborhood” with a weapon is still at large and may be hiding out in an apartment building.
Update 7:08 p.m.
San Bernardino Police Sgt. Vicki Cervantes said during a press conference that one suspect is dead, one suspect is in custody, and one suspect may still be on the loose. An officer was also reportedly injured during the shootout.
The New York Times cites a police scanner report in its coverage, noting that “police on the local scanner said that a man with an orange shirt fled into business complex, with officers in pursuit. They were trying to secure the top floors of parking garages on either side, so no one would be exposed when they tried to rush up stairs toward the suspect.”
Update 7:31 p.m.
On Twitter, citing federal law enforcement sources, the LA Times’ Rick Serrano expands on an earlier theory—that a man “angrily” left a meeting at the Inland Regional Center, before returning with two others, all armed—suggesting that one of the gunmen went to the meeting earlier in the day in order to make sure that a specific target was present.
Update 7:40 p.m.
Someone close to the shootout uploaded a video to Snapchat in which the sound of gunfire can be heard. The video was shared to the Los Angeles-area Snapchat “story” and can be seen here.
Update 8:00 p.m.
According to the New York Times, investigators believe one of the three gunmen worked at the Inland Regional Center:
A witness has told police that although the gunmen had their faces covered, one of them sounded and appeared very similar to an employee who had left the facility earlier in the day.
“They had their appearances covered but a witness believed it had been someone who worked there,” said one official.
KTLA is reporting that police, accompanied by tactical officers and at least two Bearcats, are serving a search warrant in Redlands.
Update 8:18 p.m.
The Washington Post is reporting that, per a local law enforcement official, ATF agents found what appeared to be a pipe bomb on one of the suspects. Also, the FBI has reportedly taken over the case.
At a press conference, a spokeswoman for Loma Linda Medical Center confirmed that they received five adult patients after the shooting this morning: two in critical but stable condition; two in fair condition; and one whose condition is still being assessed. The hospital was later put on alert because of a bomb threat, later deemed to be not credible.
Update 8:55 p.m.
Two suspects, one male and one female, were killed in a shootout with police on Wednesday afternoon. The suspects were dressed in “assault-style clothing,” Police Chief Jarron Burguan said, and were armed with assault rifles and hand guns The race and age of the suspects has not been disclosed.
Update 9:50 p.m.
Multiple news outlets are reporting that law enforcement officials have identified one of the suspects as Syed Farook. From the LAT:
According to public records, a Syed R. Farook worked as an environmental health specialist for San Bernardino County. It’s unclear if it’s the same person. The shooting occurred at an event for the county’s public health department.
Two other federal law enforcement sources, while not revealing the name of the suspect, said he was an American citizen.
Citing a “knowledgable source,” NBC News reports that one of the three suspects is believed to be Farook’s brother.
Update 12:10 a.m.
“I am in shock that something like this can happen,” Farook’s brother-in-law, Farhan Khan, said at a press conference. “I just cannot express at how sad I am for what happened today.” He asked: “Why would he do something like this? I have absolutely no idea.”
“The Muslim community stands shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Americans in repudiating any twisted mindset that would claim to justify such sickening acts of violence,” Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations in Los Angeles, said.
Meanwhile, a second suspect’s name, Tayyeep Bin Ardogan, being passed around Twitter—including by the LAT’s Rick Serrano, before he deleted the tweet—seems to be a hoax.
SB police clarifying that 2nd name was not released by them. Appears now to be a hoax. We are disregarding.
— Rick Serrano (@RickSerranoLAT) December 3, 2015
Update 1:31 a.m.
Police have identified the woman killed in a firefight with police today after the mass shooting as 27-year-old Tashfeen Malik, the Associated Press reports. Malik and Syed Farook, a U.S. citizen, were reportedly married, and parents to a six-month-old daughter.
Police also said that they believed the third person who had been detained on Wednesday was not involved in the shooting. The NYT reports:
Mr. Farook was born in the United States, Chief Burguan said, and he had been employed with the county for five years as a health inspector.
He had been at a holiday party on Wednesday and left “angry,” amid a dispute, Chief Burguan said. He and his wife then returned with explosive devices and guns, and wearing tactical gear.
Law enforcement officials initially said there may have been as many as three assailants, but Chief Burguan said they were “reasonably” confident that Mr. Farook and Ms. Malik were the only attackers.
Both were armed: The police recovered two .223-caliber assault rifles and two semiautomatic handguns.