Get Ready for the Singing Rabbi Musical

Attention Jewish theater enthusiasts — that includes Jews who love theater, and theaterlovers who appreciate Jewish-themed entertainment — singing rabbi musical Soul Doctor is poised to get a new home.
Whether that's on Broadway or just near it is up in the air: right now the musical, which profiles real-life rabbi pop star Shlomo Carlebach, is in talks to move to Broadway's Circle in the Square Theater or Off Broadway's New World Stages.
The show's producer Jeremy Chess says New World Stages is the more likely venue — in part because it would cost several million dollars more to put the show on Broadway. However, he thinks Circle in the Square would also be a good fit.
Circle in the Square would be perfect for us, because it's a theater in the round. Carlebach was the sort of entertainer who really engaged and interacted with his audiences, and a theater in the round would let us strengthen that aspect of the performance.
Chess himself is sort of a fascinating figure, a retina surgeon who is producing his first ever show.
While Soul Doctor earned mix reviews in its three-week run at New York Theater Workshop, Chess says the show would be retooled before the new production. He also believes it has serious crossover appeal.
And how do I know this? Well, we had performances on Saturday night, right after the Sabbath, so you don't have a big Jewish audience that night. The theater was full even so, and I looked around — there was no one with a yarmulke.
Now someone please help me fund my musical about Dr. Jeremy Chess, a retina surgeon turned theater producer.