Which Tween Actress Terrorized her Costar with Flagrant Sexual Displays?

This young actress hated her uptight diva costar so much she'd have loud sex on the set to upset her. This couple was a PR set up, but now she's pregnant. This actor got in trouble for getting too hot and heavy with a costar during a sex scene together. Sounds like everyone on set is angry all the time!
1. "Ever wonder what happens when you put a former B+ female tweener who gets her own first show and you mix her with a former B list television actress from a long running hit ensemble show who also thinks she is the star? You get several years of pleasantness on the outside and the worst conditions ever on a show on the inside. The former tweener had a huge ego. Coming off some movies and a very popular tween show she thought she was going to be the biggest star on the planet. She also had a very goody goody image on the outside, but on multiple occasions had more than one guy at once. She is also a huge collector of her own homemade porn.
The actress coming into the show who had been on the hit ensemble show also was a goody goody on the inside and out but it did not stop her from being a diva. She also could be the biggest bitch on the planet if you crossed her. As she told the tweener once after they got into a hair pulling fight, 'I learned from the meanest actress who ever walked onto a television set. You will lose.'
How about the times that our tweener would walk around naked when the actresses husband would stop by the set. 'Oops. I did not know you were here.' Not that she would ever normally have sex with him. She likes big, big, big guys if you know what I mean. However, to get back at the actress she would have slept with the husband who is also a B list movie actor.
For years the two never spoke to each other unless they had to. Knowing how prudish the actress was, our tweener would have wild sex as loudly and as close to the actress as possible even when her kids were visiting. She would even have sex in the actresses' trailer and have her companions leave their used condoms. It was a wild wild set and the two still hate each other." [CDaN]
2. "Add one more celebrity pregnancy to the list! This one is a surprise because their relationship was designed to be just a PR set up. They were scheduled to break up later this year. But they wound up becoming friends with benefits, and before you know it, she wound up pregnant. Although they definitely do not love each other, both care very much about their public image (which is why they were in a faux relationship in the first place). If they keep the baby, there will be a wedding.
They want to hold off on the announcement of the pregnancy until April even though she will probably be showing before then. In the meantime, they're going to have to rewrite that song: First comes PR… then comes baby in a baby carriage… then comes marriage. OK, maybe the song won't be a hit… but the baby will sure be cute!" [Blind Gossip]
3. "On a recent movie set, these two A/B list costars were acting out a pretty intimate sex scene for the cameras. A source tells us that one of the stars got a little too into the scene and began taking it too far. When the other person wanted to stop, it was too late and both ended up upset in their trailers for hours being talked down by staff." [BuzzFoto]