Which Star Wears His Girlfriend's Underwear?

This teen sensation gets off wearing his famous girlfriend's lingerie under his jeans. This young star had two abortions last year. These three celebs bought their own engagements and these two actors are having problems with public drunkenness. That's probably worse than private transvestism.
1. "This young megastar has a secret kinky obsession with his actress girlfriend's lingerie! The clean-cut teen, who likes to wear his sweetheart's frilly panties under his low-riding hip-hop jeans, was recently caught going through his honey's G-string collection. Who is he?" [National Enquirer]
2. "This former A list tweener has had two abortions in the past year. Hopefully it does not add to her personal demons." [CDaN]
3. "In a case where one half of a couple makes substantially more than the other, who pays for the ring? Well, in the case of these three engaged couples where the woman has the bigger paycheck, it certainly wasn't the future groom.
The first couple went directly to the jeweler and cut a deal for a very impressive diamond sparkler. They worked out an arrangement where the couple agreed to make x number of mentions of the jeweler in the press for a 50% discount. Then the female half of the couple paid the balance in cash.
The second couple tried harder than anyone to try to talk multiple jewelers into a free ring. When no one would agree to the freebie, she simply turned to her future fiance and said, 'Here's the money. You know what I like. Now, go get me the biggest fucking diamond you can.'
The third couple knew ahead of time that they were getting engaged, and she knew exactly what she wanted. Because she likes to control everything, she picked out the ring in a secret private buying session with the jeweler, where they settled on a price. Then she later gave the money to the boyfriend, who went to the store to pay for the ring. Of course she pretended that she had no idea that there was a ring coming, that she was thrilled with her fiance's taste, and that she was so impressed that he paid for the ring himself.
So, when you see those shining baubles on the ring fingers of these lucky stars, you now know that in all three cases, the future groom didn't have to lay out his own cash… but that he still gets to look like he's a generous man with good taste." [Blind Gossip]
4. "Which hunky Irish actor – he's supposedly clean and sober – was spotted boozing it up at a Cirque du Soleil performance in Los Angeles? The star stumbled into the men's room and swayed back and forth as he tried to relieve himself!" [National Enquirer]
5. "Which Academy Award-nominated actor's drinking has gotten so out of control that his A-list co-star had to sit him down and tell him to cool it? The boozer didn't take home an Oscar, but he sure did raise eyebrows while drowning his sorrows at the Vanity Fair after-party!" [National Enquirer]
6. "What music superstar is singing the blues over his soon-to-be ex-wife's threat to write a tell-all book about his dirty sex secrets? Turns out that the 'irreconcilable differences' she cited in her divorce papers were code for addiction to porn and seedy low-rent massage parlors!" [National Enquirer]
7. "Which B list always movie actress was introduced to coke by her sisters who are also famous. Their favorite game was watching their not even teen sister get high on coke. That turned into an addiction which turned into a nose job. A not very good one, but her acting career has not suffered." [CDaN]
8. "What A-list actress, who's currently going through legal battles with her partner, has actually asked friends to make untruthful and damaging claims about her ex? Apparently she wants him out of the picture so she can move out of the country." [National Enquirer]