Lucky Lawyers Get Their Own Jobs Outsourced Back to Them

Chin up, poor lawyers! The humble American attorney has had a hard go of it lately—it officially sucks to be a law student, a young lawyer, or, really, any lawyer, except for the super rich ones.
But! Good! News! There are jobs out there for you, the struggling attorney. You just have to adapt to the new economy. No longer can you expect to just be a lawyer and go to some company and say, "Hey, here I am, a qualified attorney, ready to do your legal work, just as it's always been done." Those days are over. In this globalized economic world, smart companies don't want to pay full price for an American lawyer when they can hire an outsourced lawyer in, say, India for a fraction of the price. Not to worry, though: the NYT reports that now you, the American lawyer, can have your job outsource, then backsourced to you, at a fraction of the pay! Better than nothing, bitches!
Because legal outsourcing companies grew steadily during the recession as corporations trimmed legal staffs, the industry was able to attract investors like Thomson Reuters and Intermediate Capital Group. Now legal outsourcing companies and others are opening offices and hiring lawyers in lower-cost areas in the United States, like West Virginia and North Dakota.
Hey, $50K per year doing endless document review for a multinational corporation as you sit in a bland office in West Virginia isn't so bad, right? It's the nonstop drama of the noble machinations of the law of the land. If you get bored, you can always sue your law school for $50 million.