Vibe Resurrected by The Man
In your green shoots-filled Wednesday media column: Vibe's coming back, a "magazine" holds a "launch party," Brian Tierney is unwanted, and Fox Business is unwatched.

Vibe magazine, which folded in June, is indeed coming back, online (with a quarterly print edition). The man you see at left is InterMedia founder Leo Hindery, Jr., the proud new owner of Vibe. And the owner of Soul Train! What a world.

Guess what happened last night? A magazine "Launch party" was held in Manhattan, for a new "magazine," printed on paper! It was reportedly a festive affair, and the last of its kind.

The creditors of the bankrupt Philly papers would like to bring them out of bankruptcy while canning the current management team, including Brian Tierney, who was somehow portrayed as the genius savior of Philly newspaperdom in the NYT mag last weekend, which, come on. I mean, hedge funds are not their savior either. But come on.

When the financial crisis struck, Fox Business Network worked overtime to reel in a staggering 81,000 viewers. Its most recent figures: 29,000 prime time viewers. A healthy way to look at it, though, is that nobody's ever watched Fox Business, so who cares?