Glamping Your Way Through a Recession

You've heard of the "staycation." One more travel trend that is now benefiting from the recession, at least according to spin doctor Mark Penn: glamping. For people who don't have any interest in going camping and actually roughing in, but can't really afford to stay in a $650 a night hotel room in Europe for a week, glamping—or glamorous camping—is all the rage, Penn says.
It's outdoorsy, but not too outdoorsy. (While you may sleep in a tent, it's furnished pretty much like a regular hotel room.) And while it's not as cheap as regular camping, it's a lot less expensive than staying in a hotel. Plus the amenities are pretty much the same and you don't have to bathe in a creek, which is nice.
Thankfully, the master of spin also provides the perfect excuse in the event your friends cast aspersions on your travel plans. You can say that your vacation was designed to "honor nature without disturbing it," and is "certified as ecologically sound." What more could you possibly ask for?