Flackwatch: Grubman and Cheban Break Up

Breaking (or, er, broken): Publicist Lizzie Grubman and the little climber that could, Jonathan Cheban, have euthanized their Grubman-Cheban PR project and parted ways. This is only mildly surprising, given the buzz that Her Grubness was less than thrilled to find that Cheban, who doubles as an Access Hollywood correspondent, was limiting press coverage for certain New Year's Eve clients so as to give Access "exclusives" on those events. And so, after a few weeks of hemming and hawing, it seems that Grubman has finally cut Cheban out of the company.
In the next installment of Jonathan Twist, our shiny-tressed urchin — low on Evian and Lean Cuisine — avoids hunger by eating his Clarendon sweatshirt.